Need a bit of freshness to start the year off right? Follow this recipe with sprouts. Take four trainees of different maturities. Two of first freshness (second year of high school) and two from the third row (last year of middle-school). Mature them 1 month and 1 week respectively.
Give them grist to the mill. Careful, no nutty stuff. Here they do not count as plums. We cook them with the greatest of care and keep a weather-eye open.
Admire the result. A beautiful mixed salad. Raw or blanched productions full of flavours for sophisticated palates : : bucket shot around the compensatory solution, shaded cake with breaks of light (awning under the spotlight) and finally nursery of young shoots (containers, it can be recycled and it «greenhouse» of host land for student housing).
Arnaud, Titouan, Antonin et Martin. Good DOB seed (Designation of Origin Bulle. Stamped, they can be transplanted. Guaranteed without sand grain.Ps : thoughts to all our little seeds that have grown well in distant lands but are still in our hearts.
Léa laussucq / Marie-Julie Lavaud / Marion d’allibert / Charlotte garcia / Foucault archambeaud / Léa weissberg / Solène jaccard / Thomas barbe / Titouan destruhaut / Arnaud perrin / Martin lauzeilles / Antonin bernet / Anouk garot / Clara allender / Clara maysounave / Débora martinaud / Inès tazi / Lisa-marie roca / Lola olivier / Marine villenave / Mathéo cazenave / Milo level / Florian bourguignon / Quentin sobrino / Léa pereira
And you know this year «we sow, we love each other». 12 months of happiness ! Find the flowerins of our greeting card 2021 with its wild flower seeds.