2021, we sow I we love each other
After a not rosy year or even downrightmorose, we’re not gonna spin a yarn, the spirit is especially low. Close to the ground. This gangrene that everybody hate will have given us grist to the mill. At every turn the same old story. No matter how we feed her that she doesn’t have to stand there, that she is knee-high to a grasshopper, that she must carve out, that she takes the cabbage from us, she persists in staying in the ground, perfectly upright and hard of hearing. Then, she splits her sides laughing to see us shake like a leaf, trying to save face, push up the daisies and looking for a needle in a haystack.
And when we think have free rein, no luck, we are caught on the fly again, ranged in rows of onion and veiled. At best, we hang around watching sentimental duds. At worst, we look for how to make a buck and cash by being lacking in get up and go.
By dint of move heaven and earth, we’ll end up with pull the rug out from under him with our Bordelaise mush.
Meanwhile, we sow somes sweet william’s seed, « eye bearded » colored and perfumed, while plead with our famous playwrights and philosophers to feed our good sense interior vegetables gardens. We take root with Jean Racine. We count on the Voltaire’s story for relearn what matters. « Improve our garden ». Candide or the Optimism.
This is why this year, we take care of our little artichokes hearts and we allow ourselves to be sentimental. We sow and we love each other. It’s the best course of therapy.
I love you.
Ps : Find us every month for follow the development of our little seed