Here is the J, the most singular letter of the alphabet which plays double game : the place of the “I” of the ego (and why not of the Lego game) in architecture. What a subject !
“The architect was pleased with himself”. Haven’t you ever heard this little phrase ? Sometimes true, sometimes unfair.
If some architects are offside by displaying their je(u) by a recognizable style from one building to another as the affirmation of a personality, others play fair by respecting the rules of the game imposed by the context (historical, social, cultural, economic…).
And if it is not a child’s play, it is because architecture is everyone’s business. It is the only art that is lived, practiced and traveled.
From then on, it is clear that the game is tight between the I and the we. Only the old-fashioned will continue to think that they are the leaders of the game, whereas the challenge lies in opening up to others (users, project owners, other disciplinary fields, etc.), in sharing and transmitting (collaborators, partners, companies, workers, etc.).
We are convinced that this game is worth the candle.