● Seed of bulle ●
Today, it’s impossible to have the blues. It’s a double world day : music and chocolate. We’re in the mood with a portrait of our nugget, Claire, a pianist with a melting heart who has several strings to her bow.
Claire CORNU – A quarter of a century – 2 and a half years of seniority – lute with all his horn for well orchestrated projects. Can compose and tune his violins with his musical partners.
- Your background ? I like to stroll, I come by bike or on foot to the agency, to take the time to admire the reflection of the first and last sunbeams on the windows of the shops.
- Your flagship project at Bulle? Quincarneau, without hesitation! It is the rehabilitation of a building housing 78 social housing units in an occupied site : it is a considerable site for an architect at the beginning of her career, but undoubtedly formative.
- How do you see yourself in 10 years ? Probably in a mirror, with crow’s feet at the corners of the eyes.
- If you were a building ? A place of sharing and escape, where borders disappear and the daily routine is forgotten ; a space where opposites work together: the ephemeral and the permanent, the invisible and the visible, the expected and the spontaneous… I am, I am … : an auditorium !
- Your favorite sport ? The piano ! I challenge you to play Rachmaninov’s Prelude in C sharp minor without sweating…
- And if you had done another job ? The choice is hard and the possibilities endless! If I had followed my family’s path, I would probably have chosen a health profession. Otherwise, pianist or conductor, researcher or university professor, illustrator or scriptwriter, tourist guide or photographer…
- Bulle in 3 words : A kind of phylactery
- An outstanding moment at Bulle ? Several come to mind: lunchtime aperitifs, sunny picnics on the balcony, sunrises and sunsets over the MECA and the Saint-Jean train station, improvised karaoke in the open space, moments of laughter and tears…
- Who is the most gourmand at Bulle ? We are all gourmets. However, it’s true that the chocolates disappear much faster when some people are around… Mum’s the word !
- A nugget (store, film, book, recipe, exhibition, restaurant) ? There are so many, depending on the mood of the moment, the sensitivity, the time of the year, the culture, the hunger, the physical form… So for this time I will concentrate on the musical universe: the album Planet of Sofiane Pamart, the symphony n°9 of Dvořák, the Christmas concerts at the auditorium of Bordeaux, the street musicians, the book “Architecture and music: the architect, the musician and the listener, from the 17th century to our days” by M. Forsyth…
- A place, a destination to visit ? I could mention the Taillon hike in the Pyrenees, the sunset over Porto from the jardim do Morro, the colorful streets of Copenhagen, the opera house in Bordeaux or the pier in Brighton ; but it is well known that the Périgord is the most beautiful department in the world…
- Your favorite meal ? I love all things edible, especially chocolate, in order to meet the 5 fruits and vegetables a day quota of course. What do you mean, cocoa is not a fruit ? But the beans grow on a tree, don’t they ?